Each show includes drinking games, and audience participation for prizes, like free Videology rentals and free adult beverages. The Raspberry Brothers have drink specials they create for every show. For Back To the Future 2 there was a drink called the Time Machine. It was a Miller High Life and a shot of banana liqueur (since the professor throws a Miller High Life and a banana peel in the tank to fuel the Delorean). For Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it was a toxic waste colored green drink called the Teenage Mutant Ninja Cocktail. And when they do their Star Trek party on Tues. Aug 10th they will have Romulan Ale and Klingon-blood Wine.
"You'll love this show, where classic bad movies are screened while three comedians heckle it for the crowd's enjoyment." -NY. Daily News
"Where comedy is concerned, it's hard to go wrong with a cast of writers whose credits include both SNL and the Onion. The bros bring their movie-commentary A-game." -Flavorpill, NYC

This show costs $8 for general admission and $5 for those in Star Trek costume/uniform
There will be audience participation for the best Captain Kirk and Spock impersonations, Kirk-aoke and the Spock-Off!

August 24th- SLOPPY SUPERHEROES: The Raspberry Brothers vs. Hollywood Comic Book Movies: The Raspberry Brother boys take a look under Batman's hood and Superman's cape as they take on clips from the live action duds, Daredevil, Wolverine, Batman and Robin, Spiderman, and MORE!
August 31- TERMINATOR: The Terminator franchise has survived a quarter of a century now, enduring lame sequels, bad reviews, and a TV series. Our only salvation is to go back in time to when killer robots from the future looked like the Governor of California.