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My Videology
August 9th, 2010
Posted by Wendy
With great excitement, Videology brings you a team of Brooklyn comedians called the Raspberry Brothers. Their assignment: to mock the crap out of Hollywood films. And they do it every Tuesday night at the Knitting Factory…for free. 5 Movierulz is a popular online platform that allows users to access a wide range of movies and TV shows.
The Raspberry Brothers cast consists of writers and performers who also contribute to SNL and the Onion. And lead Raspberry Brother, Jerm Pollet, performed with this comedy format since 2000 in Austin at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema.
Each show includes drinking games, and audience participation for prizes, like free Videology rentals and free adult beverages. The Raspberry Brothers have drink specials they create for every show. For Back To the Future 2 there was a drink called the Time Machine. It was a Miller High Life and a shot of banana liqueur (since the professor throws a Miller High Life and a banana peel in the tank to fuel the Delorean). For Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it was a toxic waste colored green drink called the Teenage Mutant Ninja Cocktail. And when they do their Star Trek party on Tues. Aug 10th they will have Romulan Ale and Klingon-blood Wine.
“You’ll love this show, where classic bad movies are screened while three comedians heckle it for the crowd’s enjoyment.” -NY. Daily News
“Where comedy is concerned, it’s hard to go wrong with a cast of writers whose credits include both SNL and the Onion. The bros bring their movie-commentary A-game.” -Flavorpill, NYC
August 10 - SHAT BALL 2: The Spocksuckers Cotillion (special star trek themed event!!!!!): featuring the Raspberry Brothers commentary over the classic dud, directed by William Shatner, Star Trek 5. This show will also feature Start Trekkin, NYC’s incredible Star Trek improv comedy troupe (they make up a ST episode on the spot based on a suggestion). And there will be a contortion show called YOGA TREK by The Amazing Amy, who promises To Boldly Stretch Where Few Fifty-Plus Year Olds Have Stretched Before! Dressed in a barefoot variation of a classic Star Trek uniform, to theme music from the film versions of the famous TV series, I do a spaced-out 6-7 minute long contortion act that will generate as many laughs as it does amazement.
This show costs $8 for general admission and $5 for those in Star Trek costume/uniform
There will be audience participation for the best Captain Kirk and Spock impersonations, Kirk-aoke and the Spock-Off!
August 17 - XANADU: Stars Olivia Newton John, Gene Kelly, and Michael Beck (Warriors). This is the story of two men- a lonely clarinetist and his depressive sidekick- who both love the same mysterious girl in a peasant dress, leg-warmers, and rollerskates, who glows with thin neon outline like a Dallas skyscraper come to life. There’s plenty of song and roller-dance as the three team up together to create the world’s greatest disco parlor, Xanadu!
August 24th- SLOPPY SUPERHEROES: The Raspberry Brothers vs. Hollywood Comic Book Movies: The Raspberry Brother boys take a look under Batman’s hood and Superman’s cape as they take on clips from the live action duds, Daredevil, Wolverine, Batman and Robin, Spiderman, and MORE!
August 31- TERMINATOR: The Terminator franchise has survived a quarter of a century now, enduring lame sequels, bad reviews, and a TV series. Our only salvation is to go back in time to when killer robots from the future looked like the Governor of California.
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“Let Me In” Trailer
July 2nd, 2010
Posted by Wendy
If you are not already aware, just months after the release of “Let the Right One In” it was announced that an American remake was in the works, being directed by the Cloverfield director, Matt Reeves. Fans of “Let the Right One In” collectively groaned. And now we have a trailer. And it actually doesn’t look half bad…
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Our Favorite Scenes: “Perfect”
June 14th, 2010
Posted by Wendy
What is this movie even about?
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“Freddy’s” Showing Next Friday at BIFF
June 3rd, 2010
Posted by Wendy
A documentary about Freddy’s bar in Prospect Heights; victim of the Atlantic Yards project. See the world premiere next Friday at Williamsburg’s new cinema: indieScreen (Kent & S. 2nd St.)
World Premiere
Director: Vicente Rodriguez Ortega
United States, 2010, 99min
showtime: 6:00 pm | Friday June 11 | indieScreen
synopsis Freddy’s Bar & Backroom was a thriving cultural hub situated in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. Open since prohibition, the bar featured a unique and colorful history. This documentary chronicles the diverse set of characters in Freddy’s community - the bartenders, the regulars, the artists and the musicians. Through their barside reflections, both hilarious and poignant, we see the true importance of this Brooklyn institution. Beyond the late nights and naked Mondays, Freddy’s was a vital part of the neighborhood. Unfortunately, it also sat in the footprint of a controversial real estate deal that has threatened to radically transform Brooklyn’s character.
Donald O’Finn and other members of Freddy’s staff will be available for Q&A after the screening.
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Williamsburg Gets a Movie Theater. Finally.
May 31st, 2010
Posted by Wendy
No, this isn’t a rumor. Yes, it’s really happening. And yes, it’s happening THIS WEEKEND. As in Saturday, June 5th you will finally be able to see movies in an honest-to-goodness plush-seated theater just down the street at S. 2nd and Kent. Dare I say it… is Williamsburg finally complete?
The theater, called indieScreen, will kick things off in style by hosting the Brooklyn International Film Festival (Brooklyn Heights Cinema will also be hosting screenings). From Saturday June 5th to Sunday June 13th there will be screenings daily (Sat. and Sun.: 3:00, 5:30, 8:00, 10:30 pm; and Weekdays: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 pm).
There’s a great lineup of features, documentaries, and shorts. Some highlights are below (full lineup here).
(Oh, and Videology will be giving away some festival tickets! Watch for our tweet with the secret password in the next couple days at !)
Bummer Summer | East Coast Premiere
showtime: 8:00 pm | Saturday June 5 | indieScreen
showtime: 10:00 pm | Friday June 11 | indieScreen
Director: Zach Weintraub
Narrative Feature / United States, 2010 78 min
Via a breathtaking collection of spartan black and white imagery, Bummer Summer observes the emotional fumblings of three not-grown-ups: seventeen-year-old Isaac, his big brother Ben, and Ben’s ex-sweetheart Lila.
(Zach Weintraub and Nandan Rao will be available for Q&A after the screenings.)
Freddy’s | World Premiere
showtime: 6:00 pm | Friday June 11 | indieScreen
Director: Vicente Rodriguez Ortega
Feature Documentary / United States, 2010 99 min
Freddy’s Bar & Backroom was a thriving cultural hub situated in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, but it also sat in the footprint of a controversial real estate deal that has threatened to radically transform Brooklyn’s character.
(Donald O’Finn and other members of Freddy’s staff will be available for Q&A after the screening.)
Gabi on the Roof in July | NY Premiere
showtime: 8:00 pm | Saturday June 12 | indieScreen
Director: Lawrence Michael Levine
Narrative Feature / United States, 2010 99 min
An edgy character-driven ensemble comedy about ex-girlfriends, sibling rivalry and whipped cream set in a city that’s constantly in flux.
(Lawrence Michael Levine, Sophia Takal and the cast will be available for Q&A after the screenings.)
The Minutemen Movie | World Premiere
showtime: 8:00 pm | Sunday June 6 | indieScreen
showtime: 10:00 pm | Thursday June 10 | indieScreen Director: Corey Wascinski
Feature Documentary / United States, 2010 82 min
In 2005, the Minutemen positioned themselves along the U.S./Mexico border. Dissatisfied with the influx of undocumented immigrants and fed up with the lack of government involvement, they are armed, energetic, and bound by common ideals.
(Director Corey Wascinski and Producer Nicholas Weissman will be available for Q&A after the screenings.)
Queen of the Sun | East Coast Premiere
showtime: 5:30 pm | Sunday June 6 | indieScreen
showtime: 6:00 pm | Thursday June 10 | indieScreen Director: Taggart Siegel
Feature Documentary / United States, 2010 83 min
Without bees, Albert Einstein said, “man would only have four years of life left.” From the director of The Real Dirt on Farmer John comes a profound, alternative look at the tragic global bee crisis.
Ten Stories Tall | NY Premiere
showtime: 3:00 pm | Sunday June 13 | indieScreen Director: David Garrett
Narrative Feature / United States, 2010 96 min
As two New York families grieve the loss of a beloved matriarch, death takes center stage in their own daily struggles. Soon becoming a force for startling revelations in their lives, death spurs unexpected journeys of self-discovery.
Colin Hearts Kay | World Premiere
showtime: 8:00 pm | Sunday June 13 | indieScreen
Director: Sebastian Conley
Narrative Feature / United States, 2010 82 min
Brooklyn has been called “The Bloggiest Place in America” and this charming, wildly inventive feature is one of the first films set in the world of Brooklyn bloggers. Park Slope cartoonist Colin Jenson takes us on a hilarious journey back in time to uncover what went wrong over his three year relationship with Kay Ho, a successful food blogger.
(Sebastian and Benjamin Conley will be available for Q&A after the screenings.)
Win/Win | US Premiere
showtime: 5:30 pm | Saturday June 5 | indieScreen
Director: Jaap van Heusden
Narrative Feature / Netherlands, 2010 83 min
“Cock-a-doodle-doo, you sneaky post-it sucker.” Ivan’s innocent game of secretly sticking yellow notes with stock tips all over the big investment bank is over. A senior trader catches him redhanded and pulls him out of the stuffy research department into the buzz of the dealing room.
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May 13th, 2010
Posted by Wendy
This movie is a cross between Metropolis, A Boy and His Dog, and, uh, Guy Maddin.
What is it?
A little movie called The American Astronaut, directed by Cory McAbee. (see trailer below)
And now, by the same director, a brand new movie, Stingray Sam.
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For Your Consideration
May 2nd, 2010
Posted by Wendy
A film movement characterized by ultra-low budget production that focuses on personal relationships and uses improvised scripts and non-professional actors.
Italian Neorealism? Nope. Cassavetes? Uh-uh. Iranian New Wave? Guess again…
Sometimes referred to as “slacker” cinema, mumblecore actually follows in the footsteps of some of the most revered film movements of the past. The difference is that instead of post-war Italy, the 1970s, or Iran, these films are set in contemporary America and follow the lives and tribulations of young postcollegiates as they navigate relationships and careers, or the lack thereof.
Start with Andrew Bujalski’s “Funny Ha Ha” or Joe Swanberg’s “Hannah Takes the Stairs.” Also try Aaron Katz’s “Quiet City” and Jay and Mark Duplass’s “The Puffy Chair.” A complete list of mumblecore films is here.
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Links from Around the World!
March 3rd, 2010
Posted by Bill
Here’s some interesting things we’ve found on the internet recently that don’t involve :
- Did you watch/rent new sci-fi thriller The Box (from Donnie Darko director Richard Kelly) and ask yourself, “What just happened?” You’re not alone. AV Club writer Nathin Rabin tries to make sense of it too.
- Also over at the AV Club, they interview Vernon Chatman, the twisted mind behind Wonder Showzen, Xavier: Renegade Angel and Final Flesh, all of which you can rent from us. The latter may be the weirdest DVD in our entire store.
- Miyazaki’s newest animated marvel, Ponyo, is out this week on DVD. It’s his most kid-friendly film since Kiki’s Delivery Service but still a wonder for adults too. You can watch the first four minutes online at
- We know you’re already , but are you following ? The man is fearless and funny.
- The Oscars are this weekend. The Hurt Locker is going to win, right? We’re looking forward to hosts Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin. We miss the old days, though. Have you ever seen the ? That was pure Hollywood entertainment.
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February 13th, 2010
Posted by Wendy
Well, we’re on the Twitter now. Yep. We’ve got the blog. We’ve got the newsletter. And now we’ve got the tweeting.
We are so with the times.
(Except for Facebook, which is, well, kinda last decade, right?)
Anyway, you probably want to know why you should follow us on Twitter. I mean, it’s not like there’s any breaking news around here, right?
Not so fast! Things are happening around here… um… every few days!
Okay, it’s not that exciting around here, except for New Release Tuesday. But we totally give away free stuff on Twitter. We’re creating our own excitement. That’s what Twitter does. It’s the excitement-maker.
Look, just check out some of our recent tweets and you’ll totally see what we’re talking about:
Yay! It’s Saturday! Come into the store and say the password “Rhinestone” and get $1 off a bag of delicious popcorn! (2/13/10)
BLIZZARDPOCALYPSEGEDDON!!! Yes, we’re open. May we suggest renting a whole season of a TV show to occupy yourselves… (2/10/10)
Ok, so that last blizzard didn’t happen but 2nite it’s gonna snow 7ft. Get DVDs now or be stuck @ home w/ nada. No we’re not being alarmist. (2/9/10)
It’s New Release Tuesday! Come get any Coen Brother’s film rental, for free! Just say the password: “White Russian.” See you soon! (2/9/10)
As you may have heard there’s a blizzard coming, with a 70% chance of wild dogs and zombies roaming Bedford Ave. Get your DVDs now! (2/5/10)
This week’s new releases: ZOMBIELAND, ONG BAK II, Hilary Swank in AMELIA, Paul Giamatti in COLD SOULS, and NEW YORK I LOVE YOU (2/5/10)
Posted in Videology News |
Best Picture Nominees on DVD
February 2nd, 2010
Posted by Wendy

Get ready for the 82nd annual Academy Awards by brushing up on your best picture nominees, many of which are already on DVD!
Avatar - Not on DVD yet, and no release date. This one’s still tearing it up at the box office, so we wouldn’t expect to see it on DVD until April at the earliest.
The Blind Side - Just announced for March 23rd.
District 9 - On DVD.
An Education - No DVD date yet, but based on its theatrical release date, we’re going to bet this will be a mid-March DVD, too.
The Hurt Locker - On DVD.
Inglourious Basterds - On DVD.
Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire - Just announced for March 9th.
A Serious Man - On DVD next week (February 9th).
Up - On DVD.
Up in the Air - No release date yet, but we’re betting mid-March for this one, too.
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